Thursday, 25 November 2010

Busy beeeee!

Hello lovelies,

I've been neglecting my blog for a bit and it makes me sad! I've got lots of ideas to write about but I've been toooo sleepy lately to write anything! Booo

I've been a super busy bee lately with markets, jewellery parties, making pieces for custom orders and photoshoots with the fabulous Katelizabeth Photography and to stock in City Attic! Ah, I really do love my job!

I was at Another Funky Fair which was held at Alington House, Durham and a market at St Aidens School, Sunderland which were both great! I really hope they hold more markets as they were really good fun! Met lots of lovely people there who I hope to see again at future markets :)

My small, but perfectly formed, stall at St Aidens :)

I've held two jewellery parties, one which was at one of my customer's house and another one which I held at my own house. They are sooo much fun! Jewellery parties really are great! Lots of girly chats, with tea and cake and lots of pretty, bargainous jewellery! If you're in the North East let me know by emailing if you'd like to hold one, they are freeee :)

I was supposed to be at We Bring the Stars Out tonight held by Mod Rockers, but unfortunately the snow put a stop to that. It's very sad times. I was really looking forward to it! It sounded AMAZING! There was a fashion show, a few stalls from crafters, cupcakes, cocktails, live music, ooh and hot male totty! haha! Silly weather not letting me get there. I am definitely not the snows friend today! Cry :'(  I really hope they organise another one, I'd really really love to have gone :'(

Now I've got the weekend to prepare for Monday's market at Sacriston which I am suuuuuuuper excited about! It's going to be a 'Christmas Extravaganza'! You can follow the link for lots of details. There will be market stalls, the best one of course going to be held by City Attic and Vintage Princess (meeeee!)! hehe, there is going to be a fun fair, carols and Santa is going to be there! :) I actually can't wait! It's going to be wonderful. Hope to see lots of you there!

Then I've got another market in Alington House, Durham on 3rd December, and a market with Charles Street, in Newcastle on the 4th! Phew, I'm a busy lady this month! I'll be blogging lots more from now on though, and making lots of new pretty things! hehe. I've got a special thing planned for the weekend of 11th December for you too so keep your eyes peeled!

Much love,

Vintage Princess


Sunday, 14 November 2010

Vintage Princess at City Attic

One of the things I love about Facebook is how you can come across amazing things that you probably wouldn't ever find out about. As well as fab gossip, of course, there are such wonderful crafters on there, amazing people and other fabulous organisations that I just never would've usually found! I'm going to blog about lots more of these at some point soon, but there is one place in particular that I just have to tell you about!

It's because of Facebook that I came across City Attic. I have no idea how I've managed not to find out about the shop before but thank goodness I found them on Facebook! I simply adore it, it's like my perfect shop and it's in my hometown of Durham! Everything for sale there is so lovely. It's full of such beautiful homeware and other goodies, and now it's got my Vintage Princess Jewellery too! Yay!

The owner, the lovely Hayley- pictured below with my pup Archie- has very kindly offered to stock my jewellery in her gorgeous shop! I can't tell you how excited I was about it! I still am! Just to have my jewellery stocked in a shop in itself is a huge step for Vintage Princess, but to have it in such a stunning shop like City Attic is just suuuuuuper exciting!

If you live in or near Durham I really do recommend you visit the shop. I literally could buy everything in there, and I steadily am... hehe! Check out their website at for a taster of the wonderful pieces they have for sale. I guarantee you'll find something that you just can't live without! Just look how beautiful the shop is... :)

It really is such a 'Vintage Princess-y' style shop and I really do adore it. Hailey is such a talented lady to have such a beautiful shop and she is just so lovely too! I hope you do get the opportunity to visit the shop, but if you live too far away make sure you check out their website. I know you'll just love it :)

Happy Shopping!

Much love,

Vintage Princess


City Attic contact details-
They can also be found on Facebook and Twitter

Monday, 8 November 2010

Every cloud has a silver lining

Hello lovelies!

As you probably know Facebook decided to shut down my business profile. Needless to say I was rather gutted! I lost over 3000 friends, about 1000 messages, hundreds of photos, and just the ability to actually talk to my customers! Thank goodness I still have my Vintage Princess Accessories page though! Phew!

Anyway, I've been working suuuuuper hard behind the scenes, whilst also getting rather stressed! lol, to try and get organised again and to find all my customers! I'm hopefully just about there now. Well kinda anyway! Everyone has been so kind to me about it though and I just want to say thank you to you all <3 I love you lots! <3

I've decided to make the most of this. I love crafting too much to ever give up, I just couldn't stop making jewellery! So, I'm taking Vintage Princess to the next level! I've now made this blog to try and keep people up to date with what is going on with Vintage Princess and I've also got Twitter now! Check me out! It's sooo complicated though! I thought it was just a sign of me getting old that I didn't know how to use it but it seems I'm not alone, thank goodness! If you have Twitter you can find me at @vpjewellery :)

What I'm most excited about though is getting my collection stocked in shops and getting my own website! :) I'll be blogging about the wonderful Strands and City Attic who are selling my jewellery very soon.
I'm going to be setting the website up this week. Unfortunately it also looks very complicated, but hopefully I'll get the hang of it! It feels like Vintage Princess is becoming a real business though and it's wonderful! I can't wait to be able to get all of this up and running! There will be a special relaunch event with lots of special promotions for my lovely customers to say thank you for all of your help and for just being lovely! I'll let you know the date as soon as I have decided it.

I hope you are as excited as I am about the way Vintage Princess is progressing! Thank you again for being so loyal and just generally wonderful. I couldn't of done this without my lovely customers and crafting friends, so thank you.

Much love,

Vintage Princess


Saturday, 6 November 2010

I have a blog!

Hello lovelies,

I have a blog! Wooop!

Sooo many people have blogs these days so I thought I'd start one as another way to keep in contact with you all. I'll be using it to give you updates of what is happening at Vintage Princess HQ. You'll get previews of the pieces I'm making before they go up for sale, exclusive special offers and promotions, I'll tell you about the markets I'm selling at, the shops my collection is stocked in, and any other interesting things I think you'd like to hear about! :)

Knowing me I'll also tell you about all the amazing goodies I have bought myself. hehe. I'm a bit of a shopaholic! Well, a LOT of a shopaholic really! But there are just so, so, so many amazing crafters out there that I just have to tell you about! Hopefully you'll love them as much as I do, they really do make such beautiful pieces!

Anyway, I think that's about it... I'm really looking forward to starting writing my blog and I hope you like reading it!

Much love,

Vintage Princess
