Friday, 2 March 2012

Vintage Princess Jewellery turns yellow for Marie Curie Cancer Care!

Hello lovelies,

Hope you're all well and looking forward to the weekend. Only 2 hours of Friday working left! Yay!

So, today it's Wear something yellow day as part of the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal. Vintage Princess Jewellery is supporting City Attic in their support of Marie Curie in rememberance of Hayley's wonderful Mam. So today we're wearing our daffodils with pride and have worn yellow dresses to work. Oh, and I've painted my nails yellow too! Unfortunately the yellow hats didn't arrive in time :(

We've also turned our logos yellow in support and to raise extra awareness...

So if you can please wear your daffodil, and donate to Marie Curie, to help them continue their amazing work.

Much love,

Laura xXxXx
Vintage Princess Jewellery

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Self Harm Awareness Day

Hello lovelies,

Second post of the day- go me! It's a very charity orientated few blog posts I've got planned.
Earlier today- ME awareness
Now- Self Harm Awareness Day
Tomorrow- I'll be blogging about Marie Curie :)

As some of you may already know, it's Self Harm/Injury Awareness Day today. There is lots of hashtagging about it on Twitter, although not as much posting about it on Facebook I've noticed... At Vintage Princess Jewellery I'm a big supporter of mental health organisations/campaigns and related topics etc, and I'm keen to support this day as much as I can.

Self harm can be an incredibly difficult topic to discuss. For those who haven't been at a point where they've felt so alone/sad/frustrated etc, that you've felt like harming yourself it's a very very difficult thing to understand. I mean, why on earth would you want to hurt yourself?! How can that help?! Thing is, it can help people cope with such overwhelming emotions, feelings that they have no control over and just don't know what to do to get rid of. It's definitely not the best means of coping, it's a destructive means of coping and an issue in itself, but it's something that we all need to be aware of and discuss, because people do do it... 1 in 10 young people in fact, and many adults do too.

So, as it's Self Harm Awareness Day I've been trying to spread the word on Facebook/Twitter etc, and I'm also donating 10% of all sales from my shop and website ( to who do wonderful work to support self harmers and raise awareness of self injury. If you'd like more information please do visit their website.

Thank you for reading,

Much love,

Laura xXxXx
Vintage Princess Jewellery

Raising awareness of ME with Juliet Chenery-Robson

Hello lovelies,

I hope you are all well. What a lovely sunny day it is today!

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about an exhibition preview I went to last night (29th February 2012). It was by the wonderful photographer and my friend, Juliet Chenery-Robson and ME North East. I've seen Juliet's work before a little while ago when I worked with her on her 'A Diagnosis of Exclusion' exhibition at the Durham Art Gallery. It was such a privilege to be able to work with Juliet, and help her exhibit her amazing work.

The exhibition I went to see last night was an amalgamation of both 'A Diagnosis of Exclusion' and 'Unpredictable Patterns'. A series of images that explore the illness Myalgic Encephalopathy, or ME. It detailed the lives of those living with the illness, and raises awareness to audiences who perhaps disbelieve, or do not understand the complexity and severity of ME.

Juliet's images make you realise just how debilitating ME can be. It isolates the sufferer, and makes every day a struggle. For those who have been ill in the past- maybe with things like the flu, you can remember just how ill you felt- but could you imagine feeling like this for years? Sufferers of ME can be ill for a very long time, with awful symptoms, sometimes being just too poorly and weak to even leave their beds.

Here are a few of the images from the exhibition...

Juliet has created a series of striking portraits of people who live under the shadow of this illness. Each portrait is taken in their personal space where they spend the most time with their possessions around them but little clue to their situation.

“ME is still shrouded with an aura of disbelief and misconception,” said Juliet. “I didn’t want to show them as victims. The double standard is that people with ME often look fine which is also the problem, as people think they are making up their illness.”

ME is another one of the 'invisible illness'' like depression etc, that people often do not believe- they think it's 'all in the mind'. But it is only once you come face to face with images like Juliet's, the writings of those who suffer, know a sufferer, or care for a sufferer, or even have the illness yourself, do you understand the true nature of these such awful illness'.

Every time I look at Juliet's images I really can feel the ME sufferers pain. Having been a sufferer of an 'invisible illness' (depression) myself, I know what it is like for everyone to think you look okay on the outside and not understand the pain you're going through inside, and my heart goes out to those with ME. The images can be quite upsetting, as my Mum demonstrated last night- crying at the exhibition! bless her- but it is just the reality of ME. There is hope though, many people do recover from the illness, and there is so much support and love available for them from those who understand the condition.

I hope that through this blog and showing Juliet's amazing work, I can maybe just help to raise awareness a little and help people to understand the illness.

Thank you for reading,

Much love,

Laura xXxXx
Vintage Princess Jewellery