Hello lovelies,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day!
Whether you're in a relationship, or single like me it's a day where we can all celebrate. It should be a day for telling people we care and how much we love them. On Twitter today My Personal Best (@mypersonal_best) https://twitter.com/#!/MyPersonal_Best made it clear to me that it should be a day for friendship as well as love. If you're not already, please do follow them, it's a site where they 'support people to reach their full potential'. They always tweet fab quotes etc that make you feel much better about yourself. Here's one I got from them...
So this is just a little post to share my love for you all, my family, friends, followers, likers, customers etc. I hope that this Valentines Day is a good one for you- whether you're in a relationship or single. I got a Valentines card from one of my wonderful friends, and it meant more to me than any Valentines card I've ever received! So thank you so much Hayley :)
Spread lots of love! And remember, that Vintage Princess Jewellery loves you lots!
Much love,
Laura xXxXx
Vintage Princess Jewellery
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